Ettevõtete töö tõhususe parandamise lahendused ja süsteemid
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InPass esemevõrgu süsteemi ja digiteerimislahendused
Kõike, mida saab mõõta, saab ka täiustada
InPassi lahendused ja süsteemid on mõeldud tulemusele suunatud ettevõtetele, kelle eesmärk on rohkem töötamise asemel töötada tõhusamalt, nutikamalt ja turvalisemalt. Meie lahendustes kasutatav(ad) tarkvara ja seadmed on välja töötatud ja toodetud Lätis.
Need on väga täpsed, atraktiivse disainiga ja mugavad kasutada. Oleme jätkusuutlikkuse poolt, seega anname kõik seadmed klientidele kasutada – nii ei pea te neid välja ostma.
Tagame suurepärase tehnilise toe.
Kaasaegsed seadmed
Tähtajatu leping, väikesed ülalpidamiskulud
Andmete haldamise ja filtreerimise laialdased võimalused
Turvaline andmepilv andmete salvestamiseks ja lihtsaks juurdepääsuks
Laialdased lisavõimalused: integratsioonid, teated jne.
Registreeruge tasuta konsultatsioonile!
Pakume tasuta konsultatsioone nii veebi kaudu kui ka kohapeal.
Meie kliendid InPassi lahendustest
About the work-time tracking system
We have been cooperating with InPass for several years now. We have more than 160 employees and we can say that we are a company focused on development and digitalization – InPass is a great help for us in realizing this goal!
The InPass work time tracking system is integrated with door opening sensors, which allows employees to use one multifunctional “key” in their daily work. InPass clearly displays the current information of work time tracking and by adding calendar events, you can get an overview of any selected period, which saves time in personnel management and is useful for salary calculations.
I would recommend InPass to all companies that want to be efficient, save time, think modernly, and get up-to-date and transparent information anytime, anywhere.
Ieva Naudiņa - Indreikus
Human resources manager

About the EDLUS
“We are satisfied with the cooperation with the company InPass, because:
- Professional, responsive and customer-oriented communication was receives during the implementation of the system;
- The electronic work time recording (EDLUS) was successfully implemented;
- Work processes were simplified with the help of digitalization;
- Personalized solutions were obtained, with appropriate recommendations and possibilities for their implementation.
A company that we recommend for various process digitalization solutions.”
Aija Dobrinina
Personnel specialist

About the work-time tracking system
“Our company produces reinforced concrete structures for apartment buildings, bridges and overpasses, offices and warehouses. We have two factories in Latvia, which employ a total of about 500 people.
The INPASS time registration system is installed in both factories. We use it to measure productivity. We take measurements so that we have data on which to base our planning and implementation of improvements.
In addition, the INPASS team has installed an access control system for the operation of dangerous equipment. This system uses chips to authorize access, thus ensuring that, for example, saws can only be used by employees who have the necessary qualifications. INPASS has also installed such a system for our Estonian colleagues.”
Atis Pinķis
LEAN change manager

About the indoor climate monitoring solutions
“Rundales Palace has exhibits that require specific air temperature and humidity levels for their preservation.
InPass solutions allow us to easily and conveniently control the climate in these rooms, which ensures the high-quality preservation of the exhibits.”
Ludis Geidāns

About the indoor climate monitoring solutions
“We have been using InPass indoor climate monitoring solutions for more than 5 years in our 2 cold stores. Their purpose is to immediately notify the company’s responsible persons about anomalies – temperature changes.
3 years ago, there was a malfunction in our cold store, the sensors detected this information and passed it on to the responsible persons, who reacted and immediately went to fix the cold store malfunction.
That way, we were able to save tens of thousands of euros, which would have been caused by damaged goods.”
Uģis Eihvalds
Production Manager
About the production efficiency solution
SIA “Sakret” is a company engaged in the production of dry building materials.
We use InPass solutions for 3 production facilities. This solution allows us to measure equipment downtime, operator productivity, and overall production process efficiency.
Since the implementation of the solution, employee discipline has improved, downtime has been reduced, and the time previously spent on preparing various reports has been reduced.

About the EDLUS
“Since 2020, we have been using the EDLUS mobile electronic work time recording system for construction workers.
In addition to the fact that this type of solution is required by Latvian regulations, it helps us to organize and optimize work and conveniently keep track of work in different construction projects.
We are very satisfied with this solution, which makes our everyday life much easier.”
Māris Lavrinovičs
Chairman of the board

About the data digitization solution
“Our company is engaged not only in waste treatment and disposal, but also in the production of electricity and heat from renewable energy sources – landfill gas. InPass installed remote data reading for the landfill gas control unit and cogeneration plants.
In particular, the remote data reading is appreciated by the cogeneration plant operators, who can monitor the production process not only during working hours, but also from home in the evenings and on weekends. Digital solutions allow easy evaluation and summarization of gas flow and composition data, generated and consumed heat energy data, which are available to the required level of detail. In addition, the availability of data allows for better planning of the operation of cogeneration plants and to prevent emergency situations.
We recommend using the solutions offered by InPass for those who need to monitor their production processes, who need process analysis and increased production efficiency.”
Liene Jākobsone
Environmental engineer

About the work-time tracking system
“Liepaja State Technical school uses the SIA “InPass” solution to control the flow of students and teachers.
The school installed InPass turnstile systems, which were connected to the fire alarm system – this ensures compliance with fire safety regulations.
We definitely recommend the InPass solution to schools and other institutions with a large flow of people!”
Agris Ruperts
Head Master of Liepaja State Technical School